Monday, January 17, 2011


We enjoyed taking your photos during the tournament very much. We would like to thank all who visited our booth and purchased their photos. As the principal photographer and a former tournament contestant, what makes my day is to see the excited smile on the faces of those I touched with my art. I am glad that I can immortalize your crucial moments during the tournament, which otherwise would go unrecorded.

Some photographers who know me asked why the watermark on the photos I post on this blog and on my facebook is so small. The concern was that it could be digitally removed hence will put our intellectual property under threat. While removal of watermark, which is an unauthorized alteration, is an infringe of copyright, even not doing so still allows the image to be view without much distraction. Most can easily be used as facebook profile picture with just a few clicks. This is certainly not good for business since we are supposed to make some sales out of the prints!

Of course we are aware of this and still share the photos at low resolution so you may look back at your moments of  sadness and joy, frowns and smiles, pain and ecstacy, loss and triumphant. Now you can share this with your friends, family and loved ones. We will continue to provide this service as long as we have you as our valued clients and business partners. We sustain our operations by selling prints from high resolution copies, which you have seen the quality level at our display booth, also at a very reasonable rate.

Now, let's look at some more sample photos before we open the flood gate next week.

Stay tune for more updates from Taming Sari III photo team.


Amir Ridhwan 

Principle Photographer (Those telephoto bazookas make me look so cool.)

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